Tuesday 22 October 2013

Teaching a reliable recall/ come command for your dog and puppy

Hello Hello,

Thank you for reading my first blog Post, In this post I have attached a video link of my 7 month old GSD puppy "Ninja" and myself working on teaching her a reliable recall around distractions in the park.
A reliable recall should be an essential part of any puppy and or dog training program/class. In my opinion having a your dog reliably come when called is the most important skill you can teach them. I have listed below just a few everyday situations that having a reliable recall is needed.
  • If your at the dog park and need to call your dog away from rough play
  • Your dog is running towards some one who might be afraid of your dog and need to stop them
  • When at a park and your dog see's a prey animal in the distance and gives chase.
  • You need to call your dog inside or outside of the house.
  • Your dog manages to get through the front door as you open it and runs towards the road.
All the situations listed are common examples, that unfortunately happen every day with owners unable to control their dog, which can cause harm to others around you, your dog and other animals.

To teach your dog a reliable recall start off in a low distraction area with your dog on a long lead, also have some high value treats or their favorite toy. Start by enticing them to you and once they move towards you give them your "come" command and reward lavishly once they get to you. Once your dog has a good understanding in a low distraction environment, slowly start adding more distractions, with the end goal of your dog being able to perform the recall in all situations.

If you have any questions or need further information on how to teach your dog a  reliable recall please feel free to comment or view our Dog training Melbourne services